Thursday, June 4, 2009

Solving the NYT Crossword

So I am getting into solving the NYT crossword. I can solve Monday and Tuesday with little to no help. On Wednesdays, I find myself googling things. Thursdays, I downright cheat. Fridays, I don't know enough to cheat. I don't even try on the weekends.

Todays puzzle: I actually got a lot of the puzzle without cheating/googling. The theme, Pete Rose, hit kind of close to home (all puns intended).

Am I getting old? Honestly? I am getting into gardening, crosswords, and crochet. I should probably suck it up and embrace the antiquity of my chosen hobbies, but I continue to resist. Hence, my anonymous blog about crosswords, gardening, and crochet.

What I really want to know: How to crochet golf club covers. I can't figure out how to make the big part of the cover (for the head of the club). How hard can this be? Honestly? Clearly, though, harder than I thought. I just wish I could get past the embarrassment of my hobby and ask the old lady down the street how to crochet these damn golf club covers (and maybe some lovely doilies and potholders)

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